none is useless in this world

Completing Story: None Is Useless In This World. (বাংলা অর্থসহ)

none is useless in this world. (এই পৃথিবীতে কেউই অপ্রয়োজনীয় নয়।) Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It didn’t notice the sleeping lion. …

Completing Story: None Is Useless In This World. (বাংলা অর্থসহ) Read More
a lucky escape from a terrible mishap

Completing Story: A Lucky Escape From A Terrible Mishap. (বাংলা অর্থসহ)

a lucky escape from a terrible mishap. (ভাগ্য জোরে রক্ষা একটি ভয়ানক দুর্ঘটনা থেকে।) I am a student of class X. I live in our school hostel. During the Ramadan …

Completing Story: A Lucky Escape From A Terrible Mishap. (বাংলা অর্থসহ) Read More